Middle Primary Curriculum
Our boys are at a crucial stage during their Middle Primary years. Many of the issues that were once delayed until the early teen years are now a strong influence in these middle primary years. Issues concerning peer groups, friendship conflicts, feelings, self-esteem concerns and developing character are at the forefront as boys navigate who they are and their place in the world.
In response to this trend, secondary educator and author of books for young children as well as adolescents, Sharon Witt has written a ten-week program that can be delivered to a group of Middle Primary boys (aged 8 upwards) in a school setting or similar space.
A 10 Week Program for early Boys ages 8-10 years
Curriculum Package includes:
A downloadable set of Curriculum files and handouts for students ready to be printed
Full use for Purchasing School Only (no ongoing license fee)
$550 (including GST)
Topics include:
Learning about who they are
Understanding and developing character
Navigating friendships
Understanding and acknowledging feelings
Self-esteem and more
“The Wise-guys Program focuses on social and emotional well-being giving our school boys an opportunity to extend their current skills and learn practical ways to combat issues of self-esteem, managing their feelings, undoing unhelpful thinking patterns, negotiating friendships, understanding their own strengths and talents while simultaneously building a sense of belonging and care for one another as we celebrate that they are loved and valuable. Seeing the improvement this 10 week Wise-guys Program can make on a child’s outlook and watching them thrive as they learn to be the very best version of themselves is just incredible.”
— Larissa Gow, School Chaplain
“I just wanted to let you know that our grade 5/6 teacher has had a look at the curriculum and he can’t praise it highly enough. We were going to only teach about half the curriculum initially but he has now allocated time to teach all the units. I just thought you might want some very positive feedback.”
— Sue, Welfare Coordinator